Welcome to Rainstorms in July. The stories posted here are mostly fantasy or horror. You can contact me by email rainstorms@tutanota.com. I like secret pages. Have fun searching for them.
Anything you see here is free to be reposted, printed in any number of copies, and adapted into any media with credit. Payment is not necessary. You are free to fully replicate this entire website, and archiving any page on this site is encouraged. It goes without saying that I am all for fanworks being created. I doubt anyone would ever make stuff like that for anything I've written, but I'm just putting that out there that I don't care what you do, so long as you don't claim my stuff as yours. Take it all, the code and everything. If you want to make physical editions or audiobook versions and even sell that, I don't care so long as the credit is included. For stories set in real locations, I would strongly encourage you to include my disclaimer below or a similar one.
With the way websites can so easily disappear or be taken down, if you enjoyed anything here, please make a copy and archive it. I encourage you to do this with anything you like online and to do so regularly.
Dannarchy made me a button a while back, if you like those things.

Disclaimer: While some of my stories mention real locations and real events, fictional events and characters are in no way representative of any real persons or events and should not be used as a reflection of those places. Any real places mentioned are merely to establish location and cultural aspects, and are not meant to be read any deeper than that. Every story on this site is entirely a work of fiction.